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We SHABACH! the Lord through Excellence!



The Education Division of

SHABACH! Ministries, Inc.  has been providing

quality service to children since 1996, and serves as the

school of First Baptist Church of Glenarden.


SHABACH! Christian Academy (K-8)

 is state approved as of June 17, 2010. 


We are made up of four departments:

  • Preschool

  • Before & After Care (serves both the Academy and select Prince George's County Public School students)

  • Kindergarten through 8th Grade Academy

  • Homeschool Oversight and Group Classes


We teach using the latest research on how children learn!  

We understand the science behind emotion and experience and daily,

incorporate strategies that make learning

engaging and dynamic! 

We know mastery requires emotional safety

AND hands-on experience. 

School is an exciting place to be!



  • SHABACH!Christian Academy is fully accredited by Middle States Association Commission for Elementary and Secondary Schools.

  • SHABACH! Christian Learning Center: Preschool and Before and Aftercare Program is licensed through the Maryland State Department of Education Office of Childcare.

Total Enrollment: 350



SCA uses tools from ABeka, Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt, Go Math, and Glencoe to deliver Common Core State Standards standards based content. Each year all K-8 students are assessed using the Terra Nova Exams.



Extensive enrichment opportunities are offered across the four (4) departments that make up SHABACH!  Christian Academy.  Recognizing that the wider the range of the experience that a child has, the greater is the capacity of the young learner to acquire new content. In addition to an emphasis on the Arts and STEM Aviation, our enrichment program has included: Dance, Drama, Golf, Tennis, HW Club, Beginning Band, Keyboarding, Gymnastics, and Robotics. Our Enrichment Club catalog is updated each year.



All classroom teachers must hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning.  All classroom teachers must possess certification from a state, within the United States, or the District of Columbia, or the equivalent from a foreign country.  Any teacher hired without certification must complete all certification requirements within three years of hire date.


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© 2020   SHABACH! Ministries, Inc.  |  Designed: Sisterly Grace Communications  |   Photos: Ricky G. Gibson, Photography Titan, LLC

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