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Carla Watts



Carla Watts has been a member of FBCG for 18 years.  She is a University of Maryland, College Park graduate and amongst her past adventures, she has worked as a Deputy Sheriff, a caterer, and a maid.  She loves to serve.  After serving in her own home day care and at other schools and a Christian day care center, God brought her to SHABACH!  She came as a three-year-old teacher, and served as an administrative assistant for five years before becoming the Program Director at SHABACH! Christian Learning Center. Ms. Carla has always loved children AND their parents, and enjoys seeing God work in the lives of families, staff and throughout the teaching process.  Her passion is to serve God through protecting, encouraging, edifying and loving all people, especially children. 



Yolanda Stancil



              -and-  ASSISTANT DIRECTOR,


Yolanda Stancil is an Educational Director that has worked with preschool and school age students for about 30 years in educational systems in the District of Columbia and Prince Georges County. She has studied general education and special education at the George Washington University, University of the District of Columbia and Bowie State University. 

As the Assistant Director of SHABACH! Christian Learning Center, Yolanda manages the only Before & After Care program in Landover that serves a Christian Academy and the local Prince Georges County public schools.  She has also served as an adjunct faculty member of the Prince Georges Community College Youth@Work program which administers the “Bring Your A Game” job readiness curriculum to the youth of Prince Georges County.  In addition to her everyday interactions with youth, she also has worked for Alternatives for Crime Scholarship Foundation tutoring and mentoring students. 

Yolanda is a member of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden where she has served as a Sunday School Teacher and on various other ministries.  



Anita Gibson


                HOMESCHOOL PROGRAM

Anita Gibson is the director of the Homeschool Program at SHABACH! Christian Academy. She has held this position since 2002. Anita is a founding member of the homeschool program since 1996 and has also taught music theory and Spanish classes to students in 3rd-12th grade. Anita has been married to her husband, Glen Gibson, for 36 years. Her experience as a homeschool parent for over 25 years has uniquely equipped and qualified her to lead over fifty families and eighty students each school year through the homeschool process. Many of the homeschool 12th grade graduates receive college acceptance and scholarships. Mentorship is a key component to developing Anita's staff of about 20. She has developed a core staff of 5 leaders who have created a strong administrative and academic foundation which is a core to the program's success.  



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© 2020   SHABACH! Ministries, Inc.  |  Designed: Sisterly Grace Communications  |   Photos: Ricky G. Gibson, Photography Titan, LLC

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