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What We Believe

We believe that each child is distinct with unique talents, skills, and abilities that when developed, position that child to assume their God-given purpose in life. We further believe that teachers must be individuals of compassionate character who are equipped with the necessary training and resources so that they can provide dynamic learning experiences.  

We believe that when educators partner with parents in their God-given responsibility to educate their child, children flourish! 


1.   It is essential to teach children the word of God in such a powerful way that it results in their demonstrating Godly character and having a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. 


2.   Teaching children to worship through the arts is an essential element of the SHABACH! Christian Academy experience. 


3.    A Christ-centered school experience provides opportunities for Discipleship.  


4.    All children are uniquely gifted and talented. It is our belief that educators must design learning experiences that help each young scholar excel in their academic learning. 


5.    Children learn best by doing; educators must provide a myriad of hands on experiences in order to ensure academic achievement. 


6.    Schools must provide a safe and nurturing environment where children are free to explore, express and create. 


7.    Because nutrition impacts learning, we believe that a complete education includes instruction on how to take care of the body thru nutrition and physical exercise. 


8.    Technology should be integrated into all facets of the learning experience and school operations. 


9.     We believe that intentionally living out our beliefs will result in high academic achievement, personal, social and spiritual growth for the learners of SHABACH! 


10.   We believe that students must be trained in the process, tools and/or resources that equip them to be productive citizens in a global society. 






Before & Aftercare

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Fine Arts


Elementary & Middle School


Homeschool Program


STEM Aviation

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© 2020   SHABACH! Ministries, Inc.  |  Designed: Sisterly Grace Communications  |   Photos: Ricky G. Gibson, Photography Titan, LLC

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